Lisa Ellen Wolf-Wendel

- Interim Department Chair of Educational Leadership & Policy Studies
- Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies in the School of Education & Human Sciences
- Roy A. Roberts Distinguished Professor
Contact Info
Office Phone:
Department Phone:
Joseph R. Pearson Hall, room #214 H
Biography —
Lisa Wolf-Wendel, PhD is the Interim Chair and Roy A. Roberts Distinguished Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership & Policy Studies. She is also the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies in the School of Education & Human Sciences. Dr. Wolf-Wendel joined the faculty of the University of Kansas (KU) in 1995. Dr. Wolf-Wendel earned her undergraduate degree in Psychology and Communications from Stanford University in 1987. She earned her doctorate in Higher Education from The Claremont Graduate University in 1995. Dr. Wolf-Wendel is the author of numerous books and refereed journal articles on topics related to equity issues in higher education. Her research focuses on faculty issues including studies of the academic labor market, the needs of international faculty and faculty from historically underrepresented groups, and several recent research projects pertaining to the policy response of academic institutions in the wake of demands for dual career couple accommodations and work/family balance. She is an editor of the ASHE Higher Education Monograph Series, and serves on the Editorial Board of many publications in higher education including Research in Higher Education, The Journal of College Student Development, and the Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice. Program Affiliation: M.S.E.: Ed.D: Ph.D.: Related information:
Research —
Research interests:
- equity issues in higher education
- women faculty
- work/family balance
- dual career academic couples
- international faculty
- women's colleges
- special focus institutions
- gender and racial/ethnic diversity issues as they pertain to faculty, students, administrators
- and institutions of higher education
- Special area of interest focuses on dual career academic couples and work/life balance
Teaching —
Courses: ELPS 883:College Student Development ELPS 884:Research on College Students ELPS 886:Theory and Practice in Higher Education (Capstone) ELPS 970:Theory and Research in Administration ELPS 998:The American Faculty
Teaching interests:
- College Student Development
- Faculty Issues
- College Student Access and Retention
- Qualitative Research Methods
Selected Publications —
Ward, K., & Wolf-Wendel, L. E. (2012). Academic Motherhood: Managing Work and Family [Books]. Rutgers University Press.
Kim, D. B., Wolf-Wendel, L., & Twombly, S. (2011). Predicting International Faculty Satisfaction and Productivity Using Alternative Definitions and Institutional Characteristics [Journal Articles]. Journal of Higher Education, 82(6), 720–747.
Wolf-Wendel, L., Ward, K., & Kinzie, J. (2009). A Tangled Web of Terms: The Overlap and Unique Contribution of Involvement, Engagement, and Integration to Understand College Student Success [Journal Articles]. Journal of College Student Development, 50(4), 407–428.
Awards & Honors —
School of Education Faculty Service Achievement Award
University of Kansas
University of Kansas
Gene A. Budig Teaching Professorship
University of Kansas
2009 - 2010
University of Kansas
2009 - 2010
President Faculty Senate
2009 - 2010
2009 - 2010
Sally Loyd Casanova Distinguished Alumni Recognition
Claremont Graduate University
Claremont Graduate University
W.T. Kemper Fellowship for Recognition in Teaching and Advising Excellence
University of Kansas
University of Kansas
School of Education Faculty Research Achievement Award
University of Kansas
University of Kansas
Higher Education Monograph Series Editor