Research participation

Affiliated Research Centers & Labs

Achievement & Assessment Institute (AAI)

University of Kansas
1122 West Campus Rd
Lawrence , Kansas 66045-3101

Life Span Institute (LSI)

University of Kansas
1000 Sunnyside Avenue
Lawrence , Kansas 66045-7534

Sona Research Participation

As a part of the graduate learning opportunities offered through the Department of Educational Psychology, students enrolled in specified courses are required to gain experience with psychological or educational research during their time at KU. One of the best ways to gain experience is to be directly involved in an on-going research project; and KU utilizes Sona Systems, a cloud-based participant management system, to organize various research pools.

KU graduate student participation serves two important functions:

  1. Most of what students learn in psychology classes is based on carefully conducted research with human volunteers. Participation in research gives students a first-hand glimpse into the research enterprise that uncovers the explanations for human behavior.
  2. The research requirement represents, in part, service to the larger psychological community as progress of psychology as a science would be considerably slowed without the help of research participants.