Dr. Lauri Lee Herrmann-Ginsberg

Lauri Lee Herrmann-Ginsberg
  • Teaching Professor

Contact Info

Department Phone:
Joseph R. Pearson Hall, room #340


Lauri Herrmann-Ginsberg, lecturer, joined the Department of Curriculum and Teaching in the fall of 2005. Previously she had worked as an Instructional Designer and Lecturer at Colorado State University and as an English teacher in a public high school. She received a BA in English with Education from Presbyterian College in 1984, an ML from the College of Library and Information Science at the University of South Carolina in 1989, and an Ed.D. also from the University of South Carolina in 1997. Her primary areas of interest are in Children's and Young Adult Literature and Curriculum Studies. Dr. Herrmann-Ginsberg consults with the Gertrude Strong Library for Children's Literature and specializes in secondary English education

Awards & Honors

Meredith Geiger-Gould Undergraduate Teaching Award 2012

University of Kansas School of Education