Haiying Long

- Professor
Contact Info
Office Phone:
Joseph R. Pearson Hall, room #613
Biography —
Haiying Long, Ph. D., is a professor in the Research, Evaluation, Measurement and Statistics program in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Kansas. She received a dual major PhD degree in Inquiry Methodology and Educational Psychology at Indiana University. Prior to joining KU, she worked as a faculty member at Florida International University. Her research is at the intersection of methodological issues in educational research and substantive issues in educational psychology and has focused on quantitative methodological issues, validation and rater effects issues, rater-mediated assessment, large-scale data analysis, project evaluation, creativity, motivation, achievement, and STEM education.
She has published about 30 articles and chapters in peer-reviewed journals and international handbooks and has presented at national and international conferences and universities. She participated in over 40 federal and local grant applications on a wide range of research topics, such as K-12 education, community schools, engineering education, and informal science. She received 8 awards from federal agencies, including US Department of Education, US Department of Justice, National Science Foundation, and local funding agencies.
She is the associate editor of Thinking Skills and Creativity, served as editorial board member of Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, action editor of Creativity Research Journal,and co-editor of research topics in Frontiers in Psychology and Frontiers in Education. She also served as research and evaluation consultant for local school districts and national nonprofit organizations.
She has published about 30 articles and chapters in peer-reviewed journals and international handbooks and has presented at national and international conferences and universities. She participated in over 40 federal and local grant applications on a wide range of research topics, such as K-12 education, community schools, engineering education, and informal science. She received 8 awards from federal agencies, including US Department of Education, US Department of Justice, National Science Foundation, and local funding agencies.
She is the associate editor of Thinking Skills and Creativity, served as editorial board member of Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, action editor of Creativity Research Journal,and co-editor of research topics in Frontiers in Psychology and Frontiers in Education. She also served as research and evaluation consultant for local school districts and national nonprofit organizations.