Arpita Ghosh

- Associate Professor
Contact Info
Office Phone:
Joseph R. Pearson Hall, room #624
Biography —
Arpita Ghosh is an Associate Professor of Counseling Psychology in the Department of Educational Psychology. She earned degrees from Loyola University Chicago (B.S., 2007; M.A., 2009) and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (Ph.D., 2014). She completed her pre-doctoral internship at the University of Akron Counseling and Testing Center. Prior to KU, Dr. Ghosh completed a clinical fellowship at Marquette University Counseling Center (2014-2015) and a research fellowship at the Madison VA Hospital and University of Wisconsin-Madison Center for Women's Health Research (2015-2018). She teaches graduate courses in vocational psychology, career development, and diagnosis. Dr. Ghosh's Career Development in Context Lab focuses on how context (e.g., race/ethnicity, gender) shapes the career decisions of underrepresented groups, specifically U.S. military veterans. She is interested in the individual and contextual factors that inform veterans' academic and career development in higher education and the civilian workforce. She is currently pursuing licensure as a psychologist in Kansas.
Research —
Research interests:
- Mechanisms by which contextual factors shape career decisions of underrepresented groups
- Academic and career development of student Veterans
- Culturally responsive theory and clinical practice to understand career transitions
Selected Publications —
Ghosh, A., & Fouad, N. A. (2018). Career adaptability and occupational engagement of student veterans [Journal Articles]. The Career Development Quarterly, 66(2), 182–188.
Santana, M. C., & Ghosh, A. (2018). Investigating the psychometric properties of the Supervision Utilization Rating Form [Journal Articles]. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 12(2), 113–117.
Ghosh, A., Rieder Bennett, S. L., & Martin, J. K. (2018). Use of the Counseling Center Assessment of Psychological Symptoms 62 (CCAPS-62) as a repeated measure [Journal Articles]. Journal of College Student Psychotherapy, 32(2), 151–162.
Ghosh, A., & Fouad, N. A. (2017). Career adaptability and social support among graduating college seniors [Journal Articles]. The Career Development Quarterly, 65(3), 278–283.
Fouad, N. A., Santana, M., & Ghosh, A. (2017). Empirical influence of the Multicultural Guidelines: A brief report [Journal Articles]. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, 23(4), 583–587.
Ghosh, A., & Fouad, N. A. (2016). Asian parent-child dyads: Examining family influence on career development [Journal Articles]. Journal of Career Assessment, 24(2), 318–332.
Fouad, N. A., Ghosh, A., Chang, W., Figueirdo, C., & Bachhuber, T. (2016). Career exploration among college students [Journal Articles]. Journal of College Student Development, 57(4), 459–463.
Ghosh, A., & Fouad, N. A. (2016). Career transitions of student veterans [Journal Articles]. Journal of Career Assessment, 24(1), 99–111.
Fouad, N. A., Kim, S., Ghosh, A., Chang, W., & Figueirdo, C. (2016). Family influence on career decision making: Validation in India and the US [Journal Articles]. Journal of Career Assessment, 24(1), 197–212.
Selected Presentations —
Ghosh, A., Kessler, M., Heyman, K., Carbonelli, M., Opelt, B., & Fouad, N. A. (12/31/2018). Military Veterans' transitions into postsecondary education. Poster session at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association
Santana, M., Fouad, N. A., & Ghosh, A. (12/31/2017). Disparities of race and gender in college major fields: A 30 year review. Poster session at the biannual National Multicultural Conference and Summit
Ghosh, A., & Byom, L. (12/31/2017). Educational transitions: Considerations for veterans with traumatic brain injury. Poster session at the annual Madison VA Research Week
Ghosh, A., & Opelt, B. (12/31/2017). Student veterans transitioning into higher education: Implications for their career choices. Paper presentation at the annual Student Veterans of America National Conference