Christopher R. Niileksela

- Associate Professor
Contact Info
Office Phone:
Joseph R. Pearson Hall, room #640
Biography —
Christopher Niileksela received his Ph.D. from the University of Kansas in School Psychology in 2012. He is an Associate Professor and teaches in the School Psychology program. He primarily teaches courses in applied behavior analysis, systems consultation, school-based practicum, and the psychoeducational clinic. His research interests are in the assessment and identification of learning disabilities, measurement of intelligence and academic skills, consultation in school-based settings, applied behavior analysis, and behavioral economics.
Education —
School Psychology , University of Kansas, 2012, Lawrence, KS
School Psychology , University of Kansas, 2009, Lawrence, KS
Psychology, Arizona State University, 2005, Tempe, AZ
Music Performance, Arizona State University, 2004, Tempe, AZ
Teaching —
Courses: EPSY 798:Special course: Applied Behavior Analysis EPSY 798:Special course: Systems Consultation EPSY 855:Psychoeducational Clinic I: Assessment, Consultation, and Intervention EPSY 865:Psychoeducational Clinic 2: Assessment, Consultation, and Intervention EPSY 901:Research Practicum EPSY 910:Practicum in School Psychology EPSY 911:Advanced Practicum in School Psychology EPSY 947:Specialist Research